Founded in 1964, NOVA Southeastern University is the 8th largest nonprofit, private university in the country.
In 2007 NOVA needed a technology solution to successfully load Hobsons’ online college application, Apply Yourself, into the university’s overarching Banner® student management software. Additionally, for almost every area of study there was a unique centralized service application process.
The sheer numbers that NOVA represents also made this a challenging project. The university serves approximately 29,000 undergraduate & graduate students in several major areas of study, across 7 student educational centers in 23 states and at 9 international sites.
Many medical associations provide a centralized application service to make the application process easier for students. In a similar fashion, Axiom creates a bridge from 8 different centralized application interfaces into NOVA U’s overarching student management system.
The following standard applications are accepted by NOVA through data loads made possible by Axiom:
AACOMAS - American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
AADSAS- Associated American Dental Schools Application Service
PASS - ADEA Postdoctoral Application Support Service
CASPA - Central Application Service for Physician Assistants
PTCAS - Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service
OPTOMCAS - Optometry Centralized Application Service
OTCAS- Occupational Therapist Centralized Application Service
PHARMCAS - Pharmacy College Application Service
Each year, the different service applications change their data dictionary and Axiom automatically accommodates these updates, saving the university countless hours.
NOVA Southeastern University estimates a savings greater than 500 hours of programming, testing and development time by using Axiom. The university touts time and resource savings, reliability and elimination of transposing errors as direct benefits of the Axiom product.
Next, NOVA plans to move all of the university’s student test score uploads to Axiom.