UNH Admissions Experiences Immediate and Long Term ROI with Axiom



In 2006 the University of New Hampshire’s Admissions office was searching for a document management solution.


At higher education institutions around the country, Admissions departments are required to process voluminous amounts of forms every year for student files. This data may originate as hard copies (paperwork), electronic forms or data loads.

Technology Solutions:

Initially, the UNH Admissions Department selected competitive software, which was unable to effectively bridge data into [Banner*]. The solution to this problem was Axiom. With better interface, more flexibility and a greater potential number of users, the Admissions Office was able to process in a few hours what had previously taken one employee all day to complete.

The Admissions office also benefited from on boarding convenience and cost savings because the University was already using Axiom in the Financial Aid office.


Axiom AnyDoc with full integration in to Banner eliminated the hours and errors associated with manual data entry requirements, and provided real time use of data for multiple department functions at a lower cost.